Hyun Hwan An

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The Outsider - Stephen King

Read 11.15.18

            Summary: The Outsider follows Flint City police detective Ralph Anderson and his attempt to solve an unsolvable case: the mysterious occurrence of Terry Maitland being in two different places at the same time. Alleged rapist and murderer, youth baseball coach Terry Maitland has been charged with the murder and mutilation of an 11 year old boy. Eye witnesses claim to have spotted Maitland after the murder, and DNA evidence places him at the crime scene, yet video evidence supports Maitland’s alibi of being hours away at the time of occurrence. In unfamiliar territory full of conflicting facts, detective Anderson is tasked with unearthing the truth.


            Review: A gripping read until the very end. I fully expected King to produce some sort of logical explanation to this seemingly unexplainable situation, but was instead hit with a supernatural justification. Although it was alluded to throughout Anderson’s escapade, it kind of felt like a cop-out to me. I’m not sure if there’s a name to similar genres, where you don’t expect the plot to take a supernatural turn. Think Cloverfield Paradox, The World’s End, Sorry to Bother You. Overall, I enjoyed the read— reading novels in between non-fiction is always a breath of fresh air.